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    Check the rear view mirror.

    So much has happened in these last few years.  It can feel exhausting to even try to address it.  It seems easiest to paint with a broad brush, call it all wild and keep on keepin’ on. But recently, God has been tugging on me to stop and look back. To review the last few years of my life with intention and the gift of hindsight. I’ve still not combed through it as deeply as I know I need to, but it’s been such a tremendous blessing to review all that He has done. The ways my kids have grown, the way He’s laid a path before us where we…

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    I found something…

    I was cleaning my room the other day and I found something. This used to be the best perk of cleaning my room as a kid and was also part of why it took me forever. It wasn’t just that my room was messy, but I’d find something and be super distracted by it for who knows how long and then finally get back to my mess. This time, it wasn’t a lost toy or a missing pile of notes from friends at school, it was just a few sentences I wrote last year. I was doing one of those short online courses where you refresh your mind and get…

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    Trust and Consequences

    Well, we are two weeks into this new year. How’s it going for you so far? How are you feeling? How am I feeling, you may be wondering? Well, this will hit you one of two ways but we’re goin’ for it. I feel so hopeful and SO excited for this new year. I have such anticipation for what is coming. What is it that’s coming? No idea guys. None. But it’s going to be great and I just know it. I tend to more of a realist by nature, which makes this sense of incoming awesome even better and really, it tells me that it’s not coming from me.…

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    A word for the new year…

    As I type this, those of us that live on the east coast of the United States are about 6 hours away from 2023. Personally, I’ve never been much of a new year’s celebration person. What? So, I have to buy a new calendar now? Never been much for resolutions either. So much pressure and no one sticks to them, and we all know it. However, in more recent years, I’ve aimed to be more intentional, by asking God if there’s something He’d like me to focus on as I slowly work my way through another Target Dollar Spot calendar. If there’s a specific word to carry with me as…