
Check the rear view mirror.

So much has happened in these last few years. 

It can feel exhausting to even try to address it. 

It seems easiest to paint with a broad brush, call it all wild and keep on keepin’ on.

But recently, God has been tugging on me to stop and look back. To review the last few years of my life with intention and the gift of hindsight.

I’ve still not combed through it as deeply as I know I need to, but it’s been such a tremendous blessing to review all that He has done. The ways my kids have grown, the way He’s laid a path before us where we now live, how I’ve grown in my walk with Him and how I’m changing as I age and learn. 

Even in the parts of my life where I feel as though my feet are stuck in wet cement, I have been thrown a rope. And He’s on the other end. And we’re making progress. Oh how patient He is. 

It’s been a gift to see Him move in those around me as well. People I love have dealt with immense grief and sorrow. At other times, joy and celebration. Friends have had moments of great need with seemingly no way to meet those needs. Looking back through so much of it, I see how He’s used it all. He’s made the bad into good. He’s shown His glory in the celebration. He has been the provision when there has been lack. 

Faithful seems too small a word, but that is what my Lord has been. 

Your Heavenly Father loves you more than you can understand or imagine. He is for you. And I don’t know where you are – whether you are up high on a mountain top or deep down in a valley, but looking back and seeing the Lord’s goodness and how He holds you in the palm of His hand will surely be a blessing to you. 

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