
Trust and Consequences

Well, we are two weeks into this new year. How’s it going for you so far? How are you feeling?

How am I feeling, you may be wondering? Well, this will hit you one of two ways but we’re goin’ for it. I feel so hopeful and SO excited for this new year. I have such anticipation for what is coming. What is it that’s coming? No idea guys. None. But it’s going to be great and I just know it.

I tend to more of a realist by nature, which makes this sense of incoming awesome even better and really, it tells me that it’s not coming from me. It’s from God. So, these last few months, He’s called me to trust Him in big, big ways. Not big for Him, of course, but big for me. And big for my family. And man, has He done it. He has shown up. I start to get nervous and He’s right there. I trust and boom, there’s His perfect timing.

Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Y’all this is what is happening in my life right now. This is why I feel so renewed and am looking forward with such tremendous hope. Real talk, ok- my catalogue of verses I can flat quote isn’t great. I just looked this up while I was typing this!! And there’s God saying “Sam, this is what’s going on.” How amazing.

God loves you.

He cares deeply for you and what’s going on in your life.

Talk to Him. Trust Him. And get ready for Him to move.

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